Get to know Daryn Goodwin

by Daryn Goodwin

My name is Daryn Goodwin and I’ve been lucky enough to be heavily involved in the sport of Inline Hockey since 1990.  It’s been a long road, but a great one that I wouldn’t trade for the world.  Here’s the readers digest version of my journey.

I started a league in Visalia, CA in ’90 and built it from 15 kids on a tennis court to a league of 180 players playing in a roller rink in just a few years.  Just a kid myself, I was only 20 years old and playing ice hockey for the Fresno Falcons.  I’m proud to say the league still exist today.  

I moved to San Diego in ’95 to further my opportunities in the sport and got heavily involved coaching and running camps/clinics, while also starting at the ground level with the North American Roller Hockey Championships.  My main job with NARCh was traveling and organizing tournaments all over the US and Canada.

In ’98 I also invented and started manufacturing the Rocket Puck which I ended up selling in 2013.

In 2002 I went from an important employee of NARCh to the owner of the most prestigious tournament in the sport, which I still currently own/run.   Through these first 12 years I also played at the highest levels in Roller Hockey International, NARCh Pro, 4-Time Team USA World Champion, and inducted to the FIRS Hall of Fame.

For the last 10-15 years I’ve been involved in the San Diego hockey community, but more from the fringes.  Actively playing in men’s ice and inline leagues, coaching the San Diego Jr Gulls and SDIA, having children and coaching them at various stages.

One thing that sticks with me through this whole experience and time is the fact that I’ve been able to impact so many kids lives and share with them the sport I love.  Whether it’s been at a very personally level sweating with them on the rink and showing them specific skills, or at a more distant level with NARCh capturing special moments of them participating in tournaments, I’ve been fortunate to interact with so many great players.   Writing this and reflecting back, it’s truly amazing how many great players and families I’ve come across in San Diego.

Bringing us current, I’ve decided to take a more active role locally and get more players and families involved to show them what a great sport Inline Hockey truly is.   In August I will be taking over the youth programming at the Escondido Sports Center.   With the help of some great volunteers, I plan to be very active organizing youth leagues and various opportunities to play, such as local tournaments, camps/clinics, learn to skate, organized pick-up games, etc.  While my best PLAYING days are behind me, my knowledge of the sport has not faded and my passion for the sport is as strong as it’s ever been. 

I’m looking forward to this opportunity, and challenge.   Hopefully if you’re reading this you will be able to experience some great hockey moments with me in the near future.  Stay tuned to the website for updates and please spread the word that inline hockey is going to make a huge comeback in San Diego! 

Picture - Instructing NHL Player Bobby Ryan when he was young at a NARCh FINALS Skills Competition.